Episode 132: Fade to White: Colorblind Racism in Games (Right click and save as to download, or find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or TuneIn).
This week we talk about what role race and racism play in representation and characterization in video games. Our conversation gets deep, we talk about the foundations of specific racist beliefs and practices and how we see these things reflected specifically in some games. With all of the racialized violence that is going on in the world around us we see this as being a conversation that is necessary to have over and over again.
Intro: 0.00
Whatcha playing, reading, drinking: 4:06
Issue of the Week: 43:42
What We’re Playing:
- Pokemon Go
- Inside
- The Division
- Dots and Co.
- Story of Seasons
- Song of the Deep
- Transistor
- Tumblestone
- WoW
What We’re Reading:
- Racism without Racists by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
- The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
- The Truth by Terry Pratchett
- Pyramids by Terry Pratchett