Lately we have focused quite a bit on the issue of sexual harassment in video games. It’s a huge issue that has been a problem for a very long time with no reprieve. While we try to our hardest to bring light to the issue, we are just a small voice that doesn’t reach to the extent that needs to be reached for change to be made. Luckily, the issue has received a lot more attention this week because of an article written by James Fletcher for BBC News. It’s a huge flood of relief that a large news outlet has finally brought attention to an issue that needs to see the light of day more and more often.
While there’s not a whole lot more that I can say that we haven’t already said, I hope that this attention will make sure change is going to happen and soon. For those without time to read the article, here’s a brief recap:
BBC covers the things we have seen before: women being harassed by men via Xbox Live, the word rape being thrown around as if it’s acceptable, the Jennifer Hepler incident, the Cross Assault incident, and coverage of Fat, Ugly or Slutty. The new things that they cover is that the video done by Extra Credits (that we recently covered as well) gained attention from Microsoft and they specifically called in Extra Credit’s campaigners to a meeting with the company. Hopefully this is all a step in the right direction!
A link to the full article can be found here.