Episode 99: August and Everything After: An Actual Discussion on Ethics and Gamers (Right click and save as to download, or hit us up on iTunes or Stitcher)
This week, Alex, Alisha, and Sam talked GamerGate, the continuing, shifting mass that continues to dominate so much of the discussion of culture around gaming trends and communities.
It went exactly as you’d expect.
- Destiny news; Mortal Kombat news
- The cheesecake of diversity (thanks, @maxxiebytes)
- This video “argument” full of “facts” from Sargon of Akkad on academic gamers
- Obviously, our fresh new Patreon
Books mentioned:
- This is Not a Sky, Jessica Piazza, Oh My Darling, Cate O’Toole, Patient, Bettina Judd (all Black Lawrence Press)
- ZZT, Anna Anthropy
- Earthbound, Ken Baumann
- Essays on Algorithmic Culture, Alexander R. Galloway
- Glitched, Christa Charter
What We Played
- Destiny
- The Longest Journey
- White Night
- Neverwinter
- Neverwinter
- Destiny
- Child of Light
- Rayman Legends
- Don’t Starve Together
- Neverwinter
- Pokémon X
- Destiny
Next episode is EPISODE 100. Get hyped!