Episode 104: Because the Apocalypse Is About People, or An Interview with Undead Labs

Episode 104: Because the Apocalypse Is About People, or An Interview with Undead Labs (Right click and save as to download, or hit us up on iTunes or Stitcher).

It’s not any kind of secret that we like State of Decay — we’ve written extensively on Undead Labs’ title since its original 2013 release, and with the release of the Year One Survival Edition (YOSE), we’ve been talking about the gang in Trumbull Valley all over again. For the 104th episode of our podcast, we were joined by the game’s lead designer, Geoffrey Card, another designer (and friend of the site who sometimes pops into Twitch streams), Brant Fitzgerald, and Drew Hobson, the voice talent behind Marcus, Sasquatch, and more (including some undead). We even had a cameo from Mark Jessup at the end! The result was a rollicking blast of a show featuring a lot of passion for all things undead, and a nomination of the UL team for presidents of gaming (and not just because of the sweet couch in their HQ). But you’ll hear all that for yourself. In the meantime, here are some of the things we talked about while making Drew show off his Marcus voice:

Indie Game of the Week: Survivalist

sod-yose-marcusGames Played and Discussed



Verdict: Broken games are a terrible thing, but Brant shed some good light on how that can happen, and also, we yearn for a day when same-sex marriage and transgender characters are so commonplace as to not be news items.

See you in two weeks!


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